A candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long--

Monday, March 30, 2009

Forever 14!!!

Happy Birthday to you, Megan! Today, Megs would have been 16 years old. Today, Megan would have gone to the DMV and passed the test with flying colors and she would have had her drivers license. It is hard to celebrate something that never happened. All we can do is celebrate the life that she did have, remember her, and imagine what would have been.

A couple of years ago when Matt got his drivers permit, Matt and Meg had a discussion about how they would both have to share the car when Megan followed Matt and turned 16. They got into specifics about who would take it on what days, and once when the discussion got heated, I told them to cool it because it was a long way off and things change, you never know what might happen. Of course, at the time, I was thinking more in terms of maybe getting a second car, not the fact that Meg's wouldn't be here. Matt reminded me of that conversation after Megan died, and it is just so true that we never know what will happen next. We hope that we do, we hope that we have some control, and that the hopes and dreams that we have for our life, and our kids lives, will become a reality. And luckily most of the time they do. But for those times when life takes a sharp left turn, you really can't help but ask "what happened", knowing that one of the hardest parts is that there is no answer.

Here is a link to some "new" photos provided by Denene Carmen. She found these on her camera!! What a great gift to have them. Enjoy!


T2 said...

Happy B-day Meg

the organic kitchen said...

I am sure she would have had a great 16th birthday. I know she still has a connection to you and your family and knows you miss her. She still loves you all as much as you love her.

If you have a family log link to ours and let me know


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Megan!
You are in all of our hearts today, like everyday, but especially today as we continue to celebrate your life! I went to visit you today at your grove and felt so close to you! I know you will always be with us! Happy Birthday to the truly amazing girl who has touched and inspired millions!

<3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

" I noticed how beautiful the sky was the other day, and realized it's because you're up there."

Happy Birthday Megan. You're truly missed.

I found that quote on the day of her birthday, and it instantly reminded me of megan.

Myers Family said...

I love that quote!!! Thanks-Gail