A candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long--

Monday, August 18, 2008

Run for Megan - 5k Run/Walk/Jog

Come join the fun on October 12, 2008, at Laguna Niguel Regional Park. The Megan Myers Memorial 5k, aka Run 4 Megan, will start at 11:00am or after prior race is completed.
Download the Registration Form from the sidebar and pre-register by mail or register on the day of the event!
Parking at LN Regional Park is $5. Follow the signs at the park to the Registration area.
Thanks to the South Orange County Wildcats Track Club for generously organizing this event! Also, thanks to Terry T., Tony T., and Stew G. for helping with the flyer, T-shirts and website!!! I would be lost without you.
Donations and registration should be made out to Megan Myers Memorial Fund.

Monday, August 4, 2008

I was lucky enough (or crazy enough) to take video of the Pride team from the 2004 - 2007 soccer season, then make a DVD which was shown at the team parties. It is probably the least professional job there is, but to the Pride players and fans, it gave us some great memories. I uploaded it to Google, but the quality is not great. Hopefully, I can figure out how to improve upon it, but in the meantime, enjoy. Megan is #6 in white or blue. The 2006 - 2007 video is on the sidebar. It is about 17 minutes. If you are not a big soccer fan, skip to the last 4 minutes to see the Pride players grow up!